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Corporate Information

日本語 English
Corporate name
Rakuten Communications Corp.
Established March 13, 2000
Representative Director Chairman and CEO
President and COO
Kazuhiro Suzuki
Masayoshi Kaneko
Head office Rakuten Crimson House, 1-14-1 Tamagawa,
Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 158-0094, JapanMAP
Branch First branch
1F Sumitomo Nakanoshima Building, 3-2-18 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-0005
Second branch
T-Building HAKATA EAST 7F, 3-14-1 Hakataekihigashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka 812-0013
Matsuyama Business Service Center
7F Grandia Sanbancho Building, 4-7-2 Sanbancho, Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture 790-0003
Business in brief Telecommunications carrier
Business purposes
  1. Telecommunications business as specified in the Telecommunications Business Law
  2. Internet connection intermediary business, access service business
  3. Agency business for telecommunications carriers and telecommunications services resale business under the Telecommunication Business Law
  4. Development, production, sales and maintenance of telecommunications devices
  5. Development, production, sales and maintenance of telecommunications software
  6. Telecommunications consulting
  7. Contract construction of telecommunication equipment and incidental facilities
  8. Designing and supervising the construction
  9. Information processing services business and information provision services business
  10. Business relating to publicity and advertisement
  11. Any business relating and pertaining to the above
Major shareholders and their controlling share Rakuten Mobile, Inc. 100%
Management Team
Representative Director,
Chairman and CEO
Kazuhiro Suzuki
Representative Director,
President and COO
Masayoshi Kaneko
Director Kentaro Hyakuno
Managing Executive Officer Tatsuya Jojima
Executive Officer Toshikazu Itagaki
Tatsuya Moriguchi
Akiko Kitamura
※CEO...Chief Executive Officer
 COO...Chief Operating Officer

As of December 2 , 2024.